Higgins Lake Access To Boating Fishing Swimming Sailing Picnicing Scuba Diving
Gerrish Township Community Park
(The Former Higgins Lake Boat Yard)
Located at 103 Mill St, Gerrish Township Community Park is scheduled to open this season. The Township board is now waiting for a permit to be issued from the DEQ. A public hearing on the the permit was held on March 31st to hear public input about the Townships proposal. I attended the meeting and found most of the comments supportive of the plan. The planned purchase of the Higgins Lake Boat Yard has been pursued for many years by officials of previous township boards as well. With mooring of boats at road ends coming to a halt around Higgins Lake via the Jacobs case years ago, the community has longed for other ways to gain meaningful access to the 6th most beautiful lake in the world.
The Gerrish Township Board has developed Rules for use of the new park. Use of a lottery to determine who will have use of the limited amount of “boat slips” and the fees related to the successful lottery winners has seen a good response. A site plan was engineered (see pages 7-8) for development of the park and the structures. The board indicated at the meeting on March 31st, that gas may be offered the following season.
If you were not able to attend the meeting and would like to make a comment on the proposed project, you may email your comments to the DEQ attention Marcy Knoll at: knollm@michigan.gov
New aerial photo
UPDATE: You can read the Recreation plan for 2011-2015 from Gerrish Township Parks and Recreation Here.
- Higgins Lake Boat Yard as Leased to Gerrish Twp. June 2009
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